Registered Voters

If you have moved from one county to another within the State, you MUST register to vote again in your new county.  Follow instructions in the “Register To Vote” section on this page to submit a new registration application.

For name changes and address changes within the same county, you may use the Voter Registration Application to update your information.

To confirm your registration status and see your polling location, click on the following link:

Status & Polling Location


To vote in Alabama, you must:

  • Be a United States citizen
  • Live in the State of Alabama
  • Be at least 18 years old on or before election day
  • Not be barred from voting by reason of a disqualifying felony conviction
  • Not have been judged “mentally incompetent” in a court of law
  • For municipal elections, you must have been a resident of the city for 30 days.


New Registrations
Name/Address Updates

Follow the link below to complete a voter registration application on-line, download an application form, or request a form by mail:

Voter Registration Application 

The cut-off date to register to be able to vote in an upcoming election is 14 days before the election.

Applicants must provide a physical residential address, not just a Post Office box.  Applicant’s date of birth and an original signature are also required.  Your County Board of Registrars will mail you a voter identification card with your polling location upon determining that you are eligible to vote in your county.

Students attending college in-state may register in either their home county or their school’s county.

Absentee Voting

For information about voting absentee in Alabama, or to track status of your absentee vote, click here:

Absentee Voting Alabama

For information specific to Shelby County, click here:

Shelby County Absentee Voting

Absentee ballot applications must be received in the office of the Absentee Election Manager for your county no later than the 5th calendar day prior to the election. 

An absentee ballot returned by mail must be postmarked no later than the day prior to the election and received by the Absentee Election Manager no later than noon on election day. If hand-delivered, the ballot must be in the office of the Absentee Election Manager by the close of business (but no later than 5 p.m.) on the day prior to the election.

My Elected Officials

Visit the website of the Alabama Secretary of State to view your elected officials by clicking the link below:

Elected Officials

Click on the first page, then on the search box in the upper left corner of the second page to enter your address.  Your elected officials will be displayed on the right side of the web page.

Using the Alabama Senate and House districts listed, you can find information about your State Legislature representatives on the Shelby County website:

Shelby County Legislators

Select the “MEET THE DELEGATION” droplist to choose your Alabama Senate or House District.

Other Voting Information

Other information about voting in Alabama can be found using the links below:

Alabama Secretary of State – Voting Information 

Shelby County Board of Registrars 


For National voting information, use these links:

National Voters Registration Act 

US Dept of Justice Civil Rights Division FAQs