Want to join the Shelby County Democrats?  We’d love to have you get involved!  Just fill out the form on the right.  Dues are $25 per year.  Perks include:

  • Monthly Members-Only Newsletter
  • Early invitations to Shelby Democrats Special Events
  • Opportunity to serve on County Executive Committee as seats become open
  • Chance to serve on other Shelby Dem committees
  • Training opportunities

All dues go toward the local County party for voter registration activities, educational programs, and Democratic candidates.

You can pay by check, PayPal, or Cash App.  Make checks payable to Shelby County Democrats, and mail to:

Shelby County Democratic Executive Committee
PO Box 935
Alabaster, AL  35007

To pay using PayPal or Cash App, click on one of the buttons below.  Please note that you are making a dues payment:


Cash App


